Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

Your friends with white privilege might not be coming with you
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the trajectory of the last few years. Of friendships made, broken, re-made. Some lost, some which went down in a spiral of flames. Others which have struggled but come out way stronger in the end. And I have a lot of insight, now, into how white people ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
“Moon Lodge This Way”
I feel safe sharing this now. In September I participated in a ceremony run, in part, by women from my home territory. I did not grow up with ceremony in the sense that I did not participate in sweats as a child. But I was raised with a deep appreciation of, and for, the land … Continue rea...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
A letter to my 20-year old self
Dear Zoe, It’s me. You? Us. 13 years in the future. You’re an undergrad working two jobs to support yourself through your undergraduate degree. You are volunteering and working and studying easily 70+ hours a week. I’m a professor (well, a lecturer who is on a tenure track job b...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
to heck with irony
To heck with an art world that robs us of space to express earnestness and vulnerability and forces our most audacious and un-containable desires and dreams within the ennui and irony of white supremacy and capitalist production.   We deserve art and spaces that can expand with our most lusty, au...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Listening to A Tribe Called Red in Britain: how I learned to centre music-as-political philosophy
I started a PhD in Scotland in October 2010. I sometimes joke that my second ethnographic experience, as an anthropology student, was in being immersed in the British academy and encountering the ongoing British imaginaries of itself as civilizer, intellectual powerhouse and ‘saviour’...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
recent blog post on
recent blog post on
Crystal Fraser edited a fantastic collection of articles by Indigenous scholars for during the week of January 11-15. I am incredibly honoured to be part of this collection. My contribution is a piece that interrogates the role that my Father’s paintings have played in shap...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
52 Weeks of gratitude: dogs
52 Weeks of gratitude: dogs
This week, I want to thank two non-human persons: my sister and brother-in-law’s dog and my beloved and dearly departed dog-friend, Charlie. Maybe you’re not a dog person, so I won’t hold it against you if you don’t identify with the well of gratitude I feel to these dang ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
52 weeks of gratitude
The last few years have been pretty tough. And those close to me have been an unbelievable font of support, love and encouragement as I worked hard to achieve my most audacious dreams. So, in this new year, I am committing myself to celebrating people/stories/moments I am grateful for. Every week...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
this little heart
this little heart
be brave follow your little heart, follow it down forest paths, follow it under starry skies. follow it through hills and bramble. carry it gently and tenderly across cobblestone. Tuck it safely into scarves and wrap it warmly into your coat as the cold north sea howls. follow your little heart a...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Draft Syllabus–Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples
Attached is a draft syllabus for an upcoming Winter Term course I am teaching: “ANTH 3600B: Anthropology and Indigenous Peoples”.   There is still room to register in the course–so feel free to spread the word!   ANTH 3600B syllabus DEC 7
Published at Urbane Adventurer
orion’s belt
l glance upover the edge of brick flats and there is Orion’s belt always hunting his bow and arrow at the ready arched against the inky sky I offer a silent prayer and imagine what magic must light  the jewels in his belt beaded by some lover who wanted to  clothe their nicimos...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Fish worlds
Fish worlds
I have been drawing fish. As part of a ‘fish friday’ twitter series. Here are those I have drawn so far. Some of these (the arctic fish) will appear in my dissertation.  
Published at Urbane Adventurer
#Yeg is Not Your Blank Canvas
I wrote this in August and posted it to my Urbane Adventurer Facebook page. I am re-sharing it here. ——- edmonton is not a blank canvas it has deeply rooted and dynamic communities–it has an urban Indigenous community in its own right. Folks like my family who trace our most imm...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
thoughts on healing
There are those people you meet who set your spirit on fire. They see you–all of you, the depth and breadth and ragged edges and the shiny halo around your face. These people are the people who resonate your joy and passion back to you. They are beacons bobbing on starry ocean water. These ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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