Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

thoughts on healing
There are those people you meet who set your spirit on fire. They see you–all of you, the depth and breadth and ragged edges and the shiny halo around your face. These people are the people who resonate your joy and passion back to you. They are beacons bobbing on starry ocean water. These ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
poems that have been floating on notebook pages: //////////// the mountains stretching north gooseflesh against the ocean ////// the moon in her crescent warp stands idly on the corner watching you and I and the world go by blinking one breath for darkness one breath for hope tell me please how t...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
poems that have been floating on notebook pages: //////////// the mountains stretching north gooseflesh against the ocean ////// the moon in her crescent warp stands idly on the corner watching you and I and the world go by blinking one breath for darkness one breath for hope tell me please how t...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Does this dress fit? I mouth the words to myself in the mirror. It used to fit. It used to fall smooth and crisp over my frame. The whisper of a frame. But that dress grew ragged and worn and too-tight and caught at my arms and cut off my belly and finally it disintegrated into … Continue r...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Does this dress fit? I mouth the words to myself in the mirror. It used to fit. It used to fall smooth and crisp over my frame. The whisper of a frame. But that dress grew ragged and worn and too-tight and caught at my arms and cut off my belly and finally it disintegrated into … Continue r...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Thinking of all the land defenders. When I was little, my mom and dad taught me about the saskatoons, the wild blueberries, the high bush cranberries, the hazelnuts and so many other plants that grow in the boreal parkland that I grew up in. We fished. We walked through the river valley in Edmont...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Thinking of all the land defenders. When I was little, my mom and dad taught me about the saskatoons, the wild blueberries, the high bush cranberries, the hazelnuts and so many other plants that grow in the boreal parkland that I grew up in. We fished. We walked through the river valley in Edmont...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Voting in the context of a colonial State
Shauna McLeod, a Métis woman who I follow on Twitter, storified a Twitter Essay I wrote a week and a half ago. She has titled it “Voting in the Time of Colonialism”. hiy hiy for compiling the essay in one place, Shauna!
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Voting in the context of a colonial State
Shauna McLeod, a Métis woman who I follow on Twitter, storified a Twitter Essay I wrote a week and a half ago. She has titled it “Voting in the Time of Colonialism”. hiy hiy for compiling the essay in one place, Shauna!
Published at Urbane Adventurer
now, yesterday and forever
If time is the tension between now, yesterday and forever then I can rest easy with the knowledge that at my deepest most sorrowful moments I am and have always been surrounded by the love and care and tenderness of those who came before, those who walk next to me and those who come forever ̷...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
now, yesterday and forever
If time is the tension between now, yesterday and forever then I can rest easy with the knowledge that at my deepest most sorrowful moments I am and have always been surrounded by the love and care and tenderness of those who came before, those who walk next to me and those who come forever ̷...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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