Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

How to style a kickass writing nook
How to style a kickass writing nook
trying my hand at lifestyle writing  Start with a room   2. clear it of spiders and cat poop. and bad vibes.   3. find a chair. no, not that one. that one is a drawing, silly.   4. keep it clear of distractions like ice cream and poutine.   5. …but make sure to … C...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Tell me why I should keep you in my life. Thoughts on sexual violence in Canadian creative communities.
Tell me why I should keep you in my life. Thoughts on sexual violence in Canadian creative communities.
I woke up this morning, deflated and enraged. It’s been a very hard few weeks–Orlando, the murder of Jo Cox, Brexit, and other violent and structural injustices swirl around impacting people that I deeply care about. The wounds in communities that I care about, belong to, are gaping. ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
bones like this
How I wish I could filet a fish the way my friends Andy and Millie can-artful and beautiful. Grazing flesh and bone with care and tenderness How I wish I could mark and saw and sand the bones of a wooden boat the way my Dad does–graceful and self-taught, survivance in his hands. How I ̷...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
out of place-time/timeless
out of place-time/timeless
There used to be a bison herd that grazed just outside of Stonehaven, not a long ways from Aberdeen, Scotland. I saw them on my very very first train trip to Edinburgh in the spring of 2011, halfway through my first year of my PhD. It’s one of those things that you just don’t believe ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
in the last five and a half years i’ve lost lovers and family and friends and emerged all the same with an intact heart beating erratically but doing its damn best to keep pumping blood outward to nourish all the things we’re taught aren’t crucial in the moment we flee
Published at Urbane Adventurer
(trigger warning) This Body
this body this body has been a vessel for so many people’s pain this body has been a point of comparison for thin white girls ‘friends’ who liked to glance sideways at the rolls of flesh that line my back pat their taut stomachs smugly   thank god I’m not her they gri...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
à la façon du pays
à la façon du pays
how many times nice white boys admired all the ways I contorted my heart and body to fit into the shadows   how I dragged my flesh over stone nightly to wash out any sign of my blood coursing with fish coursing with berries coursing with song   how I carried myself like a thin … C...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
sacred on this journey
that cool Scottish April when I sat bolt upright after falling asleep on the couch   (how many couches have I slept on, now, to stave off the memories?)   I sat bolt upright in that fluorescent lit stone and plaster living room   I sat bolt upright sharp intake of breath like I was...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I don’t know if I’ll ever get to hold a baby of my own in my arms sleep through the night in restless anticipation, waiting for their arrival fear. trepidation. excitement. bewilderment, exhaustion   there are so many things beyond our human control so many what ifs   but on...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
walking through bright green tree haze, the liquid earth stretching out languidly before me. In an instant, years flash past, and I am me again, walking the same dusty sidewalks as I did that summer a lifetime ago. rain falls grey and warm. The streets are different but familiar. I pick up the st...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
You drag your bones through empty fields, dart through forest cover, sit on the moss for a moment to feel its careful caress of your weary limbs. You drink from puddles at the bottom of gullies and listen intently for the whoosh and roar of leaves dancing in the wind Rivers of memory flow in R...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Daniels Public Lecture: Zoe Todd
This March I was very thrilled to give a public lecture at the Daniels School of Architecture at the University of Toronto. The talk was part of the Master of Visual Studies Proseminar Series organized generously by Charles Stankievech. Abstract (from the Youtube video): “”Fish plural...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
The ‘human-animal line’: You should probably read Zakiyyah Jackson because she says all of this way better than I ever could
Prelude In writing this piece, I owe an immense debt to Zakiyyah Jackson and her piece “Animal: New Directions in the Theorization of Race and Posthumanism“, which you should all read. Right now. Read it.   …….. Ok, so you’ve read it? Now we can discuss the issu...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
safe travels
  There is a triangle of light caressing the bottom corner my bedroom window. Everything is cream-white-beige calm. After the thirst of winter (of a lifetime of winters), I feel the spring melt deliciously into my mind, my skin, my heart, my bones. I dream of water. Torrents of it, relentles...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Manbbatical–three years in and I feel fine
Back in 2009, two serious relationships ago, I was listening to Q (shudder) and comedian Claire Brosseau was explaining her Manbbatical. At the time, I thought little of it. But three years ago, at the end of a particularly dysfunctional long distance relationship, Claire’s manbbatical bega...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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