Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

Interview: web exclusive on ‘political anger’ (Out in the Open, CBC)
I’m really honoured that Piya Chattopadhyay of Out in the Open on CBC interviewed me about my relationship to ‘political anger’ and expressing anger as an Indigenous feminist scholar working in Canada and the UK — here’s an edited version of the interview. http://www...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
prints etc…
Some of my friends asked me if they could by my fish prints, and so I started up a Society6 page to facilitate that. I’ve added some new prints to the site — and you can now buy a broader array of products (pillows, tote bags, t-shirts). People have been stopping me on the street R...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Call to Enter — Works Art & Design Festival
Posted “The Works Art & Design Festival dates next year are June 22 to July 4, 2017. The Works is currently accepting applications for installations, exhibits, programs, events, and performances themed: Dialogue. Application Deadline: Monday, O...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Tending tenderness
Tender. The GoogleOracle tells us this noun tender comes to us from the latin word tener (‘tender, delicate’). Tender has many simultaneous, contradictory even, meanings. It is the blush of pink roses on a prairie landscape after the rain and sky and night and moon have tended to thes...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Interview on the Anthropocene with Caroline Picard at Bad At Sports
I’m really honoured to be featured on the Bad At Sports blog in this interview by Caroline Picard (who, by the way, reached out shortly after my “Feminist’s Take on the Ontological Turn” piece went viral and invited me to contribute an essay to a really fascinating volume ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
this body (part 4)
they robbed us quite literally of ecstasy of fluidity of ease and joy and freedom and so with bodies wound so tight with shame that you could cut stone against the vibration of fear and loathing and pain in my muscles they poured into my veins (your veins) all their self-hatred their putrid under...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
look i spent nearly 33 years accepting abusive behaviour making excuses for it it became a prison: walk on eggshells don’t anger the fragile person tiptoe no more abusive people who externalize their pain onto others have no place in my life I want to live in a way that expands not contract...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
etiquette shmetiquette
This post will be short because I have so much work to do. But I had to respond to this story in the news: a white couple who have elected to live a ‘Victorian lifestyle’ are in the news in Canada for being denied entry to the Butchart Gardens in Saanich because their Victorian garb (...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
ANTH 5210F –Special Topics in Indigenous Studies: Decolonizing the Anthropocene
  There's still room to register in my graduate seminar on Decolonizing the Anthropocene this fall! Spread the word! — Mouthy Michif Todd (@ZoeSTodd) July 20, 2016 I’m teaching a fall term graduate seminar on ‘Decolonizing the AnthropoceneR...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
this body (part 4)
this body will no longer carry your shame this body that used to offer itself up to receive and carry your violence this body which drew itself in martyr lines carried itself with the loose conviction that it deserved every strike every rage every cut this body that wanted to help you (and you an...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
goodbye to the rivers
for my 31st birthday, I paid a Scottish tattoo artist to ink ᓱᐦᑫᒋᐊᐧᐣ onto the inner flesh of my left wrist. sohkeciwan–it flows fast, the current is strong ( the black ink seared into my flesh. my English friend,...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Write a story for yourself that your lovers will sit huddled around a dusty soot stained fireplace rocking in a chair carried with grace across borders through the hardship (our generation’s struggle) that they will sit with awe and tell their grandchildren that they knew you once held you ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Art for sale
Several friends have inquired about buying prints of my fish painting series. After a bit of research, I’ve decided to try selling them on Society6: As I become more competent with manipulating digital files, etc.. there will be more images available. For now, ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
weighty history
weighty history
Yours is a specific kind of sadness a well deep and broad a sadness that leaks out of every word every step entwines women like me if only we could lift that sadness pour it into our own veins and see the light in your eyes finally shine but. this is the hustle. your sadness … Continue read...
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