Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

Loose Ends
If you are the sort of woman who often finds herself at loose ends, take heart. Loose ends are the frayed edges of textiles, working their way out of the tense alignment of warp and weft. Loose ends are the rebellious refusal to be orderly or complete. Loose ends are a cheekier way to say… ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Granddaughter. We’ve been watching you. Watching over you. And we felt the heaviness in your bones. Sinew. We laid out moss for you to sleep on, carried berries to your bedside. Whispered to you and caressed your hair while you slept. I know you felt so alone. But our love for you, it burns...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Indigenous stories, knowledge, legal traditions, ontologies, epistemologies as unceded territory (or: Hands Off of Our Teachings)
Indigenous stories, knowledge, legal traditions, ontologies, epistemologies as unceded territory (or: Hands Off of Our Teachings)
I’ve been trying to come up with metaphors to help teach my non-Indigenous peers about what it means to work meaningfully, robustly and with care in their engagements with, across, and between Indigenous and non-Indigenous philosophical, legal, ethical, and pedagogical contexts. A framework...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
you are enough
Making space for healing, for breathing, for resting and dreaming. It is really hard not to feel guilty for exhaustion, to feel that you need to just ‘suck it up’ and keep going. And when you know you are really fortunate to be doing the work that you do, you definitely feel that ther...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
staying hopeful
staying hopeful
The world is a grinding place. And resisting that, refusing its violences, trying to manifest something beyond this is work. Labour. And so, some days my singular theoretical and political contribution is to lock myself up in my little home. And tend to the world of cats — who have their ow...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
What else is there to do but to keep tending to my fish paintings and imagining a world where we honoured our reciprocal responsibilities to fish? The mullet with a mullet was at the suggestion of Kyle Sheppard on Twitter (thanks, Kyle!)
Published at Urbane Adventurer
of all the things to mourn a small waist (such a waste) (who am I kidding) blissful ignorance the scars before they were raised before they made their way through blood and sweat and flesh of all the things to mourn I mourn the bird bones I used to have buried deep in my muscles … Continue ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
every single bit
If I could go back I’d look you straight in the eye brush your hair behind your ear and I’d affect my best sisterly-motherly voice Oh, poppet. You are so bright so strong so brilliant beautiful and joyful You will spend years mired in self-doubt try to shrink yourself into nothing hid...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Métis legal traditions, reciprocity and the curious case of consumable identity
A few people have pointed out that most of the media commentaries about the recent public inquiries into Boyden’s identity claims are from men. This is not accidental; the cost for women to speak out not only about identity and Indigenous law  (ie: the intertwined realities of co-constitute...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
exercise tips for the anxious soul
1. Run your mouth off at any passersby. 2. Walk it off. Like, you know when you stub your toe on that stupid corner of the closet that Bob said he’d ‘totally fix with a sander’ three years ago and yet here we are? Yeah. Like that. 3. Swim in the ocean of your petty … Conti...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
rebirth comes in many forms
I am amazed by the ability of time and pressure to work their magic these last few years a surgery extracting something (carve away) this flesh grows around a knot of worry and words that should be buried in loamy deep soil let the scar grow over and bind up the old self let something … Con...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I did promise to believe
All that is left are these fleeting remembrances, or maybe they are visions? Or some sort of in-between, some sort of time-travel that splits a soul into every time, lets you travel through everything. “You are more of a superhero than you think.” She lets the words roll out like fat....
Published at Urbane Adventurer
four years without touch a fast a slow an unwinding of threads bound so tight that I could not tell my hair from the strings they had tied to me to hold me in place four years without touch a forsaking a thaw frozen from too much tenderness the kind that leaves you numb swimming … Continue ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
The knife edge that drips from deft hands fileting fish that come to wind and tangle muscle memory into your every fibre the blood that courses through your womb a lake of stories you tend to every month you are rage and grief and fire you bleed & you remember the searing pain of kohkom’...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
let me be what is needed
gather up the moss clean the corners, but not too much leave things for comfort of the little creatures the other beings sweep up dust sneeze it towards the sun sweep your hands across this expanse this little nest which you have fought so hard to build consider, briefly the warmth of the day hug...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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