Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

Problematizing Minister Leona Aglukkaq’s claims about jobs and food security
Between 2008 and 2009, I conducted research on the impact of the wage economy on the traditional economy in Paulatuk, NWT. I also worked with Paulatuuqmiut (Paulatuk residents) to investigate how people balanced their ability to get nutritious food from both the land and from the store. We looked...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
If you stay in Winnipeg for the summer/Won’t you please think about me/out here in the country*
I boarded the train to Edmonton yesterday with a heavy heart. Maybe it’s all in my head, but there is something about Winnipeg that speaks to me in a way that no other city can. Maybe it’s the knowledge that my great-great-great-great grandfather lived and breathed there. Or maybe the...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Voice, power, inspiration
I’ve been fascinated, in the last few days, to tease apart questions of voice, representation, appropriation and power in the local arts community. I’m not an artist, but my Dad is, so I’ve grown up with a keen sense of the power imbalances and politics at play in the Canadian a...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
1200 kilometres or so
I am south for a few weeks, and the contrast between the peaceful, quiet bay I spent the last 3 months in and the busy, chaotic city is hard to miss. I can’t complain about being able to see Edmonton in the spring, arguably the most beautiful time of the year here. But it is … Continu...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Put on a brave face
As I sit here, in the mind-boggling twilight of an arctic spring night, I try to situate myself. Rootless and floating, in-between. Friends set down roots, make decisions. And still I wonder when does my life begin, or is this as good as it gets? I try to imagine myself as a piece of ice … ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Paulatuk Architecture
Paulatuk was incorporated in the 1980s, but it’s history goes back much further. According to various history books, the Co-op opened at the site of the current hamlet in the 1967 (ie: Alunik et al. 2003:128). It is situated in a harbour at the base of Darnley Bay, at the bottom of Cape Par...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Aboriginal Alberta: Election thoughts
I said that I wanted to write about Aboriginal issues, and it’s increasingly urgent that we bring them to the table. We’re two weeks into the election, and it is becoming apparent that Aboriginal issues are not on the radar for most of the parties. Alberta has the third largest Aborig...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Fear of flight
When I was little I was fascinated by flight. At age three, my dad and I (well, he) built a model airplane. Apparently, we went to fly it in one of the circles of grass between the twisting roads of the James MacDonald river valley roadway. On its first flight, the plane flew right into … C...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
A short story
In summer the berries ripen Deep purple We drive and drive and drive In the melt-through-glass heat Legs stuck to vinyl seats The stale smell of cigarettes and dirt And years on the highway Through parts of town where houses have windows Smashed in by bats Not balls We move furniture for women Ki...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Inuvik Architecture
Inuvik was built as a military town, and everything from the streets to the ‘utilidors’ that carry the water and sewage lines above the frozen permafrost were executed in a calculated way. The town was established in 1958, and was thought to be, by non-Indigenous bureaucrats, a suitab...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Cognitive Dissonance
One of my heroes, Madeleine Redfern, posted this video on Twitter this morning. Watching it brought a whole lot of emotions to the surface for me. It speaks so eloquently and powerfully to issues that I have struggled with as a Metis woman in Academia.
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Square peg
This post comes to you from Yellowknife, where I desperately hoped I would see the northern lights tonight (I fell asleep on the couch last night in anticipation of viewing them), but alas, it is cloudy. It isn’t as cold this week as it was when I first touched down in Yellowknife in Januar...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
gone fishing
I am currently working in the Northwest Territories on my PhD research, so my blog may shift gears a bit as I spend the next year investigating the discourse and practice of fishing in the past and present in the community of Paulatuk, NT. And I will not necessarily have the time or internet acce...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I know this city…
I know this city through its sidewalks. Through the tiny dirt paths that wind torturously along high ravine cliffs and the river’s edge. By the back alleys I roamed in search of enamel tables and butterfly nets. For ten years I walked and biked and ran my way through the spine that winds it...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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