Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

art and solidarity
“the language of postmodernism is ethnocentric and insufficient” — Gomez-Pena 1994: 18 “Art is supposedly well within the digital age of fusion, beyond boundaries and anthropology.” Todd 2011: 127 I have an uncomfortable relationship with non-Indigenous artists who e...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
white ghosts and bent frames
There are a lot of things I want to write about these days, but I can’t for fear that they’re too controversial. I have to wait until I have had time to really process them, to build cohesive and sensitive arguments. Suffice to say, though, that I think a lot about suffering, social s...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
walking between two worlds
Many people assume that because I look white, I am white. And so I face discrimination from many corners of my professional and personal world. The reality is that my past and present are rich and complex, as is my identity. My histories are woven from many cultures — my Dad’s Scottis...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
the Grandmothers
the Grandmothers lay moss all around her gently lift her and place her upon the spongy earth relinquishing the sorrow weeping from her veins child of ours blessed is your path but we love you with the intensity of a thousand stars we will never leave you And there, in the endless twilight of that...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
a long way
I’ve been extra curmudgeonly these days. Blame it on the weather (it’s cooling off rapidly here at 69 degrees North), or the shortened days. Or the fact that I really miss my morning lattes. But the reality is that my grumpiness is partially because I’m feeling disconnected from...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
the fear/the night
FEAR. When I was about 9 years old, I remember my Dad taking us to Beaverhills House Park (Amiskwaskahegan) for a picnic. It was shortly after a murder had taken place, and the park had been remodeled to make it safer. But even then I remember my Dad talking about how it was a perfectly … C...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
beauty in thought, beauty in practice
This post veers wildly off into the personal, the things that usually are left unsaid. But I’ve been thinking about these issues for quite awhile, and they need to be expressed. If it can help some other little girl from believing the crap that is spewed daily about body image, beauty, stre...
Published at Urbane Adventurer

Today’s post comes after quite a few month’s of reflection, so I hope that it will be taken in the spirit of serious and passionate thought. (At the very least, I hope you’ll sit with me for a few moments and listen to what I have to say. You don’t have to agree with me, &...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Down and Out (in Edmonton and Aberdeen)
When I grew up, we didn’t have a whole lot. We had a roof over our heads, though, and that was something I really, really, really appreciate to this day. My Mom bought an old farmhouse in Donnan/King Edward Park in the 1980s, and it’s been quite amazing to watch the changes in my neig...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
With a little help from my friends?
I’ve struggled, in the last two years of writing on this blog, to articulate why it is that I think the city must pay more attention to its past. I have focused most intently on the city’s Aboriginal identity because that is something visceral that shaped/shapes my sense of self and b...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Here and there
Photos from my summer.
Published at Urbane Adventurer
What’s in a name? Apparently a lot of taxpayer money that should have been spent elsewhere
Naming. It’s a powerful tool. It reaffirms or erases stories, directs our thoughts to tragedies, joys….or New York? Elise Stolte just posted about the shortlist of proposed names for the Airport development. Frankly, once I read the list I was seething. I have just spent the last thre...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
To the library!
Standing in the book section Winnipeg’s Toad Hall Toys a few weeks ago, with the warm sun streaming in the store’s turn of the century windows, I sought out books to gift to my friend for her grandkids. I picked up this book, read it on the spot and laughed out loud. It’s been a...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Arctic Security, Food Security
In 2009 I participated in the International Phd School for Studies of Arctic Societies (IPSSAS), which was held from May 19-30 in Edmonton, Alberta. The theme for the session was “Security in the Arctic: Opportunities and Concerns”. I presented a paper on food security and arctic secu...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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