Spruce Avenue - Photos

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  • The Chevy Volt was the top selling electric hybrid car prior in 2012, but sales of the Nissan Leaf and Tesla surpassed the Volt in the first quarter of 2013.
  • The Mitsubishi Mirage is a gasoline car that clocks in at 64 miles per gallon on the highway, making it one of the most efficient gasoline engines on the road.
  • A Tesla Roadster at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • The NAIT Alternative Energy student calculated the emissions of various cars at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • A Tesla Roadster owner talks about his electric sports car than can do 0 -100 in 3.7 seconds at the The University of Alberta Engineers showing off their hydrogen-fuel cell powered vehicle at Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • The University of Alberta Engineers showing off their hydrogen-fuel cell powered vehicle at Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT2
  • Alf White admiring a very old electric car at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • A gaggle of Tesla owners share their experiences with Tesla electric vehicles at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • The Solar Energy Society folks at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • Biofules exlained at the Future of Transportation event NAIT in Edmonton, Alberta
  • A plug-in hybrid Prius at the Future of Transportation event at NAIT get more than 100 mpg equivalent gas mileage
  • Home made electric vehicle conversion at the Future of Transportation at NAIT
  • The Lithium Hawk and the most efficient vehicle at the Future of Transportation event at NAIT
  • Talking about energy blowing in the wind at the Future of Transportation event at NAIT - 062
  • The Alternative Energy program booth at the Future of Transportation event at NAIT - 056
  • The Canadian Solar booth at the Future of Transporation event at NAIT
  • Green Energy Future's David Dodge captured in the mirrors of a solar oven at the Future of Transportation Symposium at NAIT in Edmonton
  • Kristi and daughter watching cookies bake in the solar oven at the Solar Energy Society booth at the Future of Transportation at NAIT
  • Benn Kilburn of Daystar Renewable Energy baking cookies in the solar oven at the Solar Energy Society booth at the Future of Transportation show at NAIT
  • Paul Cabaj of Spark Your Power at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT in Edmonton
  • The NAIT Alternative Energy program booth at the Future of Transportation Solar Energy Society event at NAIT
  • Gordon Howell solar energy expert at the Future of Transportation event at NAIT in Edmonton.
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