Recent Blog Posts - Urbane Adventurer

I used to parse out love like calories. I could count, from memory, the measure and heft of every smile and every wink. And like the salads I ate, dry, without dressing, lest I consume more than I deserved, love was a transaction. A constant negotiation of wanting. A lack. An ache in my belly. &#...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Apologies and other follies
Remember how I wrote a letter to someone within my University regarding the approval of a student’s poster in which the student appeared in redface? Well, here’s the response I got today. I would just like to draw attention to the section in bold. Everything else is pretty standard, a...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
heretics and hares
Posted You can refer back to the above storify link to see the outcome of a series of tweets I posted the other day. A troubling reality is that often when we start to talk about relationship, dynamic knowledge, and making s...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
I love you ever so
some realizations I had upon coming to Amiskwacî and feeling the earth beneath my feet again: just love. love the people you resent or respect. Love the land. Love the fish. Love the water. It’s not a theory, it’s a way of being. Babies know how to love. People on their death bed know...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
So, a redface poster was approved for use in the University of Aberdeen student election last month…
Dear Mr. Hope, I write out of concern for a poster that was approved for posting during the Student Elections last month. The poster was brought to my attention by Faculty members who were offended by it. The poster in question featured a student wearing a replica of a Plains Indigenous headdress...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Colonialism is a shape-shifter
I’m boning up on my colonial theory as I write my dissertation, and I’ve been thinking more and more about my own relationship to colonialism(s) and how they manifest in Canada. I’ve written, previously, about my hesitation about using the term ‘settler’ without qual...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
loss and longing
I realise that a lot of what I write about deals directly with loss and longing. There are the immediate losses — the deaths, the heartbreaks, the opportunities that slip away. But then, as a nomad, as a warrior trying to disentangle multiple generations of pain, there are losses that span ...
Published at Urbane Adventurer

Conversations with ancestors. With ghosts. I crave community, communion, conviviality. But I also crave quiet, solitude. Maybe because in those moments when you are alone, a different form of knowing emerges. Little twinges in your heart, tingles in your ear. Other connections, connections that s...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
self-care: the secret to a PhD (or how to do a PhD abroad as an Indigenous woman)
I don’t write too much about my PhD on here. I generally try to keep my school work separate from this blog, if only to keep this as a place to deposit the things that don’t ‘fit’ into my research or my dissertation. However, today I want to write a little bit about the &#...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Road Stories
I made a short film yesterday about wandering, missing, and home. Enjoy!
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Dylan Farrow just changed the world — why we need a new approach to resurgence
Twenty-three hours ago a piece by Dylan Farrow just shook many people’s understanding of the world by bravely, unapologetically calling out those who made excuses for her (alleged, though it seems very much in doubt that Woody Allen is innocent) abuser. I can’t help but feel that we n...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
Dylan Farrow just changed the world — a call for a new approach to resurgence
Dylan Farrow just shook many people’s understanding of the world this week by bravely, unapologetically calling out those who made excuses for her (alleged, though it seems very much in doubt that Woody Allen is innocent) abuser. I can’t help but feel that we need to take her strength...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
year of the horse
it’s the year of the horse Gong Hei Fat Choi Horses have a special place in my family I’ve only ridden one twice both times I held nervously to the reigns somehow that prairie blood coursing through my veins knew what to do just barely My dad says my great-grandad James Courted the fi...
Published at Urbane Adventurer
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